The Hamlet B2Blog
is only available in Portuguese language
Type: Internal Communication

Axians – Tech Talent – When internal communication is really the face of the brand.
Those responsible for the area were not happy with the way it was designated. "Specialized Services" seemed to them to be too generic a name, without a clear relationship to the activity of the Business Unit. Moreover, it did not do justice to the way this activity is developed at...

ANA – Campaign to reduce CO2 emissions
In recent years ANA Aeroportos de Portugal has developed a Voluntary Carbon Management project, aimed at reducing the impact of the activity of its airports on climate change.

ANA – Event Jingle
As part of the process of welcoming its new employees, ANA promoted in October 2010 a team building event for all those who joined the company in recent years.

ANA – Institutional Magazine
Hamlet conceived the magazine project and participates in the elaboration of each issue from the definition of the contents, which have to be in sync with ANA's strategic, marketing and communication objectives.

Novabase – Novabase Campus Launch
Challenged to structure the communication of Novabase's training program, Hamlet took the opportunity to reinforce the company's culture and values.
O que dizem os clientes
Carla Madeira, Axians Portugal
A Hamlet conseguiu captar a essência do nosso posicionamento e da nossa forma de estar, transmitindo nesta campanha os valores que vivemos diariamente. Este projeto teve um impacto muito positivo na equipa, que se sentiu identificada com a mensagem e o propósito de Tech Talent. A Hamlet soube interpretar os nossos objetivos de forma rápida, traduzindo-o numa ação que nos representa plenamente.
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