Are your clients companies?

Seducing business decision-makers may have some points in common with consumer communication. Both demand strong brands and positioning as well as engaging messages.

But the professional decision-maker has different motivations and ways of deciding. The usual recipe for communicating with the consumers (B2C) doesn’t always work with business decision-makers. Hamlet is your 100% business-to-business focused partner for marketing communications.

We helped Novabase to transform technical arguments into thrilling stories.

We helped Yunit to position its brand and to generate leads.


Communicating with companies isn’t the same
as communicating with the consumer

  • The customer’s average transaction value and lifetime value are higher.
  • Usually the purchase is more complex, and thus requires more information.
  • The target audiences tend to be small and homogeneous: only financial managers, or only hospital directors, for instance.
  • Decision-making chains involve professionals with different functions and technical skills.
  • Because the targets are narrower, the means must be more surgical: less mass media, more direct and digital marketing

So it was about time those needs were fulfilled by a company 100% dedicated to business-to-business communication. Now that you found it, set up a meeting with Hamlet.