5 formas de estragar uma excelente ferramenta de marketing

Vídeo imageCertamente já terá ouvido (hoje…50 vezes…) que o vídeo é uma ferramenta muito eficaz no mundo do marketing, que capta a atenção das pessoas muito mais facilmente que outros meios, etc. Ainda assim, fazer asneira não é tão complicado como parece.

A B2B Marketing, através do seu responsável de conteúdos digitais, Alex Aspinall, lançou um pequeno guia de como não utilizar um recurso, neste caso o vídeo. Não concordo necessariamente com todas as suas indicações – mas é um bom ponto de partida para uma discussão.

‘We’ve all got iPhones now, so we can all make videos’
This annoying phrase has been chucked around a fair bit over the last couple of years, mainly by people producing substandard video content. Yes, it is factually correct; most of us have the technology in our pockets to record a video. But that doesn’t mean we all have the skills, ideas and understanding of narrative structure and brand identity to produce professional quality video. Owning a paint brush doesn’t turn you into Picasso.

Go off-piste
Tearing up the brand rule book is an error far too many organisations make when it comes to producing video; maybe
Newsletter Hamlet because relatively few people are used to the process. Whatever the reason: if you wouldn’t break a brand rule on social or in other written collateral, don’t do so on film. Make sure the person putting the video together understands your brand.

Calls to action
Again, brands new to video that would never fail to include calls to action elsewhere often fail to do so when making the leap to film. It stands to reason that you probably want to illicit some kind of response from the people that view your videos. Even if it’s just a case of including clickable links leading to ‘more information,’ it’s worth making it easy for interested parties.

Plano de Comunicação Interna

Long = boring
Videos, much like any other form of content, need to be of the correct length if they are to resonate with their audience (just ask Lord of the Rings fans). In the B2B Marketing context, this means that you’re going to need a petty remarkable piece of content if you’re going to retain your audience’s interest for more than, say, two minutes. In short, keep it brief.

Integrate and recycle
Decent video content does not come without meaningful investment, so make sure you’re making the most of your video budget. Perhaps you could repurpose the video content, making a whitepaper or blog from the content. Whatever you do, don’t forget to integrate the video across your channels, and share it as widely as possible.

Fonte: B2B Marketing

Rui Lourenço
Gestor de projectos da Hamlet

Comunicação de marketing, content marketing, Marketing B2B, Tecnologia, Vídeo
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