Talent Management Program

Novabase operates in different business areas, through several companies and divisions.

Its own history of growth has been through the absorption of companies and the creation of others. Until 2009, career management in the company reflected that history, being done in different ways in Novabase’s various divisions.

This, in turn, made it difficult to create a single culture shared by the approximately 1800 employees.

The talent management program changed this situation by introducing a single evaluation and career progression system for the whole of Novabase. And that was what needed to be communicated, allowing the benefits of the program to be understood and adopted throughout the company.





The first challenge posed to Hamlet, who was entrusted with the launch communication, was to give the new program a name and a visual identity. Novabase & You was the name adopted as it met the requirements of clarity, conciseness and proximity to the target. Another advantage was that its graphic representation allowed to take advantage, in the communication, of the symbol “&”, as an instant translation of a partnership between equals, with advantages and responsibilities for each side.

The internal communication campaign started with a teaser phase, in which the arrival of a new strategic partnership for Novabase was announced (by a happy coincidence, news about possible entries of new partners in the company’s capital were being published in the press at that time). The partner’s name was left hanging: Novabase &…

This was followed by the revelation that the strategic partner was, after all, the employee himself. Finally, the final phase of the campaign explained the benefits and how the program works, with each piece focusing on one aspect: the career development rules, the evaluation criteria, the incentives, the opportunities for professional growth.

The communication was supported by posters, emails, internet banners and stickers on elevators.

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