The Hamlet B2Blog
is only available in Portuguese language
Type: Marketing Consultancy and Strategy
Bilion – Positioning, Identity and Strategy
Your special request has nothing special for Bilion" is the promise with which Hamlet translated this new positioning of Bilion. To support it, it also created a new visual identity and a digital communication strategy that started, in early 2020, with the brand's new website.
Novabase – Talent Management Program
See how Hamlet helped Novabase give the company's new talent management program a name and a visual identity.
O que dizem os clientes
Do seu grande profissionalismo e experiência e do empenho no...
José Heitor da Fonseca, ANA Aeroportos de Portugal
Do seu grande profissionalismo e experiência e do empenho no entrosamento com a equipa da ANA tem resultado um trabalho muito positivo."
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